Drag your extracted groove from the groove pool window onto your guitar take and adjust the timing, amount, random, and velocity parameters to taste. Simply right-click the part with the groove you want and select ‘Extract groove’. You can also extract the groove of your rhythmic instruments in Ableton and apply them to your guitar parts. Too much quantizing can make your guitar parts sound very unnatural, and anything that needs heavy tweaking should probably be rerecorded. However, these values will vary depending on your take and I encourage you to train your ear to quantize instead of referring to the grid. I generally use the 16ths option and only use about 10-15% quantization. You should have options for timing values (1/4ths,1/8ths,16ths, etc) as well as quantization amount (0-100%).
Once all the markers have been inserted, select them all, right-click and then select the quantize option in your dropdown menu. Highlight your guitar part you’d like to edit and insert markers on all the transients (in Ableton the command for this is Ctrl+I). I like to quantize my guitar parts using two very simple methods. Tighter parts will help blend your guitars into the mix before you give them any sonic treatment. Rhythmic guitar parts such as backing chords, riffs, and arpeggios can be quantized so that the overall groove of your mix feels tighter. Step #1: Quantize The Recording’s Timings Quantize Guitar Timings
Either method is just fine, and you can apply the steps below regardless of how you choose to record your guitars. Some producers/engineers like to mic up their amplifiers to capture a take, while others may choose to plug their guitar straight into an interface to record directly onto their DAW. However, there are some handy tools and tricks that you can implement to bring your guitars to life and make them easier to mix. Not every recorded guitar take can be perfect, and you can waste a lot of time trying to capture parts with pinpoint accuracy. In today’s article, we’re going to show you a few simple techniques you can use to edit your guitar parts.